LAPD Creates Scooter Enforcement Task Force to Patrol for Illegal Riders


Dockless scooters have gotten extremely popular in big cities in the last couple of years. However now, cops in West LA have been nailing people who are riding scooters illegally. City Councilman Paul Koretz says an e-scooter enforcement task force is out and writing tickets.

"We're cracking down on scooter violations. If you're riding three people to a scooter - you will get a ticket. If you're riding on the sidewalk - you will get a ticket."

He states that riding scooters on the sidewalks are the most dangerous and will deliver the biggest violation.

People caught riding scooters illegally face a $200 fine and so far this year around 200 people have been ticketed for riding in LAPD's West Bureau. Half of those tickets were for riding on the sidewalk.

KFI's Kris Ankalo spoke with two users riding their scooter on the sidewalk a block from where the cops were enforcing. He asked the two is they were aware that the what they were doing was illegal. Rider one simply answered with, "Well, of course."

To them, riding on the sidewalk seems much more safer for them than riding in the busy streets of LA. They know it's a $200 fine, but it's not a deterrent.

"It's more traffic. It's not like we're riding in the suburbs," the other rider added.

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