Photo: Getty Images
LOS ANGELES (CNS) - More than three dozen people were arrested by police overnight in connection with a number of street takeovers in the San Fernando Valley.
The arrests were made by a task force of officers from the Los Angeles Police Department and the California Highway Patrol, according to the LAPD and reports from the scene.
One takeover occurred about 9:10 p.m. Thursday at Roscoe Boulevard and Coldwater Canyon Avenue, according to the LAPD.
According to Fox 11, there were 10 takeovers overnight, with 31 citations issued, more than three dozen arrests, and about two dozen vehicles impounded.
The task force of officers was created to target street racers, who are known to use social media to publicize their gatherings.
``They like to go out and create havoc in the streets, in the intersections, thinking it's all fun,'' LAPD Sgt. Jodie McGee of the Valley Traffic Division told Fox 11.
``They like to make videos of it,'' McGee said. ``But the problem is, people are getting injured and killed by these guys ... doing the doughnuts. They lose control, they hit the crowd -- the spectators that are watching what's going on. And then what happens, as soon as they hit somebody, they take off. So now you have a hit and run, and if a person's injured, it could be a felony. So that's why we're here. We're trying to curtail the activity.''