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A bank robbery in Woodland, California, was stopped thanks to the actions of a Good Samaritan. Michael Armus Sr. told Good Morning America that he was depositing checks at the bank when a man walked in and handed the teller a note demanding money.
Armus recognized the suspect as a former neighbor and decided to get involved.
"Like 25, 20 years ago, he lived in an apartment complex I did. I didn't know him, but I have seen him around. He was a friend of my daughter's. That broke the ice for me," Armus explained to KCRA.
"The thing was, I seen something else. He seemed to be depressed, the way he was talking," Armus added. "So, I just approached him, and I asked him, I said, 'What's wrong?' I said, 'You don't have a job?' He said, 'There's nothing in this town for me. Nothing in this town for me. I just want to go to prison.'"
Armus convinced the man, 42-year-old Eduardo Placensia, to step outside, where they embraced in a hug as officers showed up at the bank.
"So, I took him outside, and I give the man a hug right here at the doors," Armus said. "He started crying, and then I stepped away from him and swoop, here come all the cops. No sirens just lights everywhere."
Placensia was arrested by Woodland police officers and taken to jail, where he was booked on charges of attempted burglary.